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Why My Luxury Hotel?

At My Luxury Hotel, we curate the finest luxury and boutique hotel deals, sifting through countless options to find those that meet our exacting standards.

While we offer a wide selection to suit every taste, we also understand the desire for expert guidance. That's why we prioritise properties hand-picked by travel experts from our sister site, The Hotel Guru. Whether you're dreaming of a budget boutique escape or a lavish Maldives getaway, we've got you covered.

And because luxury shouldn't mean overpaying, our price promise ensures you always get the best deal by comparing offers from multiple suppliers and only showing you the best price.

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Experts in travel

As part of Snaptrip Group we're trusted by over 20 million visitors and 500,000 guests every year.

We connect you with a range of suppliers to be able to bring you the biggest range of luxury and boutique hotels, and ensure that you're getting the best price.

But we don't want you to be overwhelmed by choice and so we curate our selection with help from our friends at The Hotel Guru, sister site of My Luxury Hotel.

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